About me

I am an Assistant Project Scientist in the Fisheries Collaborative Program with UC Santa Cruz and NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center where I’m working in DevOps and ecological research. For this work, I am helping to develop (Dev) software and operationalize (Ops) ecological models to help understand climate change impacts to marine animal distributions, as well as promote sustainable fisheries through reduced bycatch and ship strikes. In general, my research takes an integrative approach to understand how animals interact with their environment.

I am a quantitative ecologist with a passion for finding novel insights from large datasets, particularly within the fields of movement and population ecology. I am broadly interested in the ecological roles and movement patterns of vertebrate organisms to assess how sympatric species partition niche space and interact with their environment, respectively. I am also interested in data exploration, acquisition, and dissemination using interactive web applications (via Shiny, which may also serve as decision-support tools. I am particularly interested in using quantitative statistical methods (e.g., Bayesian models, state-space models, mixed effects (i.e. hierarchical) models, multivariate ordinations and clustering) and GIS to address complex ecological problems.


PhD Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, 2019
Texas A&M University

BS Biological Sciences, 2013
Clemson University